I realised that half the problem with my indoor swimming pool was the fact that one of the corners was broken on the exterior hatch, so decided to buy a replacement.
In doing so I managed to do more damage.
Heres what happened!
I purchased a new roof hatch from a caravan shop near by, but the salesman didnt have the entire unit. SO! we removed the mechanism (missing part on new hatch) and put it together.
After leaving when i got out the car i noticed when i closed my door the pressure caused the roof hatch to open and close a little bit - didnt think anything of it.
I got home and decided to set off taking the old one off - despite not knowing how to put the new one on or take the old one off properly. Que screw driver! As you can see i was dressed appropriately too after just getting back from horse riding getting straight on the roof. Spot the logic

The inside screw in cover that fell off a long time ago
After prying all the sides up as pictured i realised i couldnt get it off and it was going to be really leaky now - winner! Rain was forecast for the next few days so out came the duct tape.
The next day i was standing in reception at work looking out the window momentarily, saw something on the road and said to one of my coworkers 'that looks alot like my roof hatch.... hang on.. that IS my roof hatch' just as a car drove over it. smashed.
Silly me hadnt parked into the wind so when it picked up and blown the old lid right off!
Yet again, out came the duct tape

From the inside
Then the replacement process started the following weekend when i was able to rope Dad in!
Out came the old metal fitting

Quite the sun roof
All the wood was rotten so had to be taken out and replaced
Wood Removed

New wood screwed in!

We then used silicon to seal the roof on and screwed it in!
From inside
Much more water tight and looks a great deal better too!
Thanks DAD!! :D
Charles & Monty