I bought an old set years ago out of excitement and without really looking at them properly, but after trying them out, safe to say no one will be sleeping on them!
I put them in last weekend to have a look at how they go in etc and what ill need to remake them.
Thought it would be interesting to lay on them, never again. The whole time I thought the boards were going to snap! The ply thats been used before is only about 1cm thick so theres alot of give when you put a person on them, and getting on is very difficult because you dont want to put all your weight on the last board for fear of falling through!
Mission; to get thicker wood (or stronger ply etc) and then to recover in new material probably a plastic vinyl similar to what was previously used as that seems to have worn quite well.
Bed in! (would hate to have to go to the toilet during the night if i was sleeping up there!)
Laying on it, please note how close I am to the edge as it feels slightly safer there. (ha!)
Charles & Monty